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Free resources

Here are some design tools and information that I’ve put together in the past that might be useful and are free to download.

Easy guide to good design

This pdf is an overview of design principles for non-designers. It covers colour, fonts, layout, visual hierarchy, images, consistency and a few links for further information.

Website planner

I was helping a client plan their website and couldn’t really find what I needed on the internet, so I created my own form. Its a brief that can be supplied to a web designer and covers the sitemap, what text you want to include on each page, the colours and font styles, the name and purpose of the website, etc.

Branding guide for small businesses

This document provides advice on marketing and branding specifically for small businesses and sole traders. It also includes advice on social media presence and setting up your own website.

Simple guide for professional PowerPoint presentations

A PowerPoint instruction guide I designed when working at HealthShare NSW. It contains design tips, tricks and advice on how to create a professional looking presentation.