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Reporting a ‘net benefit through SLHD Media Centre

Here are a few stories I wrote for the SLHD online Media Centre. The communication team aimed to upload three new stories about the district to the website each week, to engage staff and the general community and promote its various events and programs.

A day in a life of a midwife

This story came about through a TV report on Kel Hawthorn, a midwife who is a member of the Midwifery Group Practice. As a member of the Communications team I had to accompany the TV crew (and Kel) for the day as she saw three of her clients within the hospital wards and on a home visit. I spent the time making sure each client and Kel signed a media release form (giving permission for their image to be published); that patient privacy was respected and that the filming was done as smoothly and quickly as possible. While I was supervising the crew I took notes from the interviews and wrote up a story about the day for our own website.

WPG celebrates 5 years of giving

5,000 SLHD and SWSLHD staff donate a $1 a week to the Workplace Giving Program, providing financial support for the building and maintaining of maternity hospitals in rural Ethiopia. The hospitals have made a major reduction in the incidence of maternal and infant deaths since their founding. The article marked the program’s fifth birthday.

Youthblock dishes up top tucker tips

There are advantages to monitoring and processing requests for permission to use the organisation’s logo. In the case of Youthblock, they wanted approval to publish their small internal newsletter. I noticed that one of the events they had planned was a roaming community kitchen, and called them to find out more.

Other media releases that I wrote for the centre, that aren’t pictured here, include: