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Organ Donation for Transplantation Plan

I’ve lost count of reports I’ve designed and laid out over the last decade, but the Organ Donation for Transplantation Plan is notable for a few reasons. One, I had complete free-range over the design, and I love how it turned out  – the colours, the clean white space and the fantastic image library which made the design and layout so much easier.

The second notable thing about this report was the insanely tight deadline I had to produce it. I received the Word document at 9am, and was told that they needed to submit the final approved document to the Ministry of NSW Health at the close of business that day.

I sent an email to the photo library manager to send me around 15 images of organ recipients and donors* and then got cracking on the 24 page document. In addition to the text layout the document contained eight graphs, which I redrew, and a table that covered seven pages.  Two rounds of edits and approval from the Chief Executive later, the PDF of the final document was winging its way to the Ministry at 4.30pm. Seven hours from brief to final artwork is definitely the fastest production turnaround time I’ve ever done.

And incidentally – Spain has the highest organ donation rates in the world. Who knew?

*live donors that is – you can donate a kidney, or parts of your liver, lung, pancreas and intestine, skin, bone and blood. People live quite well with these bits missing, although the liver is the only organ that grows back, (luckily). I’m looking forward to the day we can just 3D print a new organ that’s tailored to the patient. To find out more check the Donate Life website.