HealthShare NSW partnered with eHealth NSW to raise $35,000 over two years for NSW/ACT Guide Dog Association to fund the training of a guide dog puppy.
The campaign included numerous articles in the eHealth NSW and HealthShare NSW newsletters, promotions on LinkedIn and Twitter, and a Guide Dog merchandising booth at the HSeH Expo. It encouraged employees to organise and participate in a range of suggested fundraising activities, including morning teas, special day events such as Valentine’s Day and St Patrick’s Day, raffles, guessing competitions and book swaps.
The most successful fundraising activity, a ‘Spot the Puppy’ photography competition, was held by the Communications department fundraising committee. Staff were invited to purchase an official guide dog soft toy and take a photo of their new companion in their workplace. The competition raised $10,000 and winning photographs were published in the corporate newsletters and at the HSeH Expo 2017.
As part of the fundraising committee, I provided the artwork (including interactive pdf posters to facilities to help organise events), laid out the newsletters, provided content to the social media manager and suggested fundraising ideas and assisted coordination of the campaign. The fundraising campaign achieved the target of $35,000 ahead of schedule.